Sunday, June 29, 2008


"Enlightenment isn't a goal, it's not a destination, it's the by-product of walking the path itself, rather it's the journey."
Life is so hectic sometimes that we miss the beauty along the way. It's time for a Spiritual Awakening!
Join us Sunday, July 20 for an energizing morning outdoors.
Hike the incredible trails of Lapham's Peak:
Connect with source energy! The trails wind through wooded hills and open meadows. Abundant bird life and wildlife can be observed from all trails. Get back to nature!
Group Workout: Move WellRob Crenshaw, NSCA-CPT, will take you through the Triple Target Transformation. T3 is a simple (and FUN!) exercise program you can learn to do at home that will work your larger calorie burning muscles, strengthen your core and tighten your hips, thighs and butt. All while you enjoy nature!Unite Our Spirit and Energy: Think WellNicole Isler, The "You Can Fly" Coach will present an energizing, dynamic heart-to-heart segment on the incredible power of our thoughts and emotions relating to health. Sure to be an empowering and uplifting experience you can't afford to miss! Embrace how to let your light shine!
Enjoy a Social Picnic after the Festivities:Please bring a healthy dish, snack or beverage to share.Yes, fun treats are welcome too!Network and Meet New Friends:When women gather magical things happen! This is a great opportunity to meet new friends, reunite with old friends and make fabulous business connections. Invite the important women in your life! Everyone is welcome! Are You ready to be awakened?
Meet at the tower, approximately 15 minutes early for check in. There is a $15.00 charge for this event payable to Nicole through this evite and a park entry fee of $7 (day), $25 (season) payable at the gate upon entry. Call Nicole Isler at (262) 436-0445 to register.

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