Thursday, March 5, 2009

New Slim from Advocare!

Good Morning!

I am so excited to be writing to you all this morning to inform you of Advocare's newest product in their line...Slim.

Slim is packaged in a similar fashion to Slam ( 2 oz. of pure energy with thermogenic properties) with a focus on energy AND weight loss. Powerful herbs like Garcinia Cambogia for appetite control and energy, neuroactives for heightened focus, and a green coffee extract, Svetol. This product can take your clients and yourselves to the next level in your personal training businesses and personal athletic endeavors as so many of you are accomplished marathoners, Iron Man competitors, trainers, distance cyclists, elite swimmers, body builders and the list goes on and on. I still get excited when I think of all the many gifted and capable individuals we get to work with and share Advocare with...YOU!

Well, if you can't already feel my enthusiasm, go to the website and check out the Slimpact National Campaign launched Feb 22, 2009, by Advocare. This is a regional competition with 3 place winners. Check the web for complete details. Be thinking, who do I know who could benefit from this? On a deeper level, who could benefit by extending and enhancing their personal health and disease prevention by loosing some weight? In my opinion weight loss for "image" isn't a big enough reason for most people who lack the motivation to try or sustain their efforts. It has to be about being healthy for our loved ones, extending and increasing the quality of life, getting our cholesterol down, diabetes prevention, etc. We will change the health of America one person at a time.

That was written by my good friend, Nicole McBride from California. I totally agree with her. If you would like more information, visit my Advocare page here to learn more and order yourself some Slim. I have already seen good results with my clients.

Make it a great day!

The Fitness Buff
Rob Crenshaw

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