Thursday, February 12, 2009

Workout for Thursday, 2/12/09

Ok,now that I posted yesterday's workout, I realized that I didn't post Tuesday's workout either. I will get to that next... maybe not tonight because I have a few more things on my list before reading time and then bed.

Today's workout is all about the shoulders. Only one exercise focuses on something other than the shoulders and another focus on the abs but brings in shoulder stability. Still used complexes to keep rest to a minimum, but also incorporated a rest period in one of the complexes... you will see why.

It is good to focus on the shoulder joint and strengthen all angles because there are so many different muscles involved in the stabilization of the shoulder joint.

So here is the workout I did today...

First complex:

3 rounds, do not put bar down between exercises, but rest 1 min between rounds.

Hang Cleans - 8 reps
Push-press - 8 reps
Shoulder press - 8 reps

Second complex:

Three rounds of:

Upright Rows - 12 reps
Face Pulls - 10 reps
Hanging leg raise - 10 reps

Third complex:

DB Shoulder Matrix - 8 reps of front delt raise, side raise, bent over rear delt raise, upright rows, and finish with 10 reps alternating shoulder press (using same DB's without putting them down)
Cable Wood Chops - 15 reps both sides

Finishing exercise:
Shrugs - 3 sets of 8 reps.
If you don't want big traps, then skip this exercise.

Your shoulders will feel this one when you are done. But you will feel like you are standing more upright as you will focus on keeping your shoulders pulled back.

Enjoy and hope that you don't have to give anyone a high five when you are done.

Make it a great day!

Rob Crenshaw
The Fitness Buff

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