Friday, August 14, 2009

What you need...

I usually don't go around telling people what they need. Instead, I do what I can to find out what they want and then see what I can do to help them. But every now and then, I find something that I just know that most people aren't getting enough of and yet it is something that does a lot for the body in so many ways to help improve the overall health of anyone. It is when I find something like this, I need to go out and tell people that hey need this. I may find that one person out of 50 that already is getting enough of it and when that happens, I am excited as I get to learn what they have gained from it and then I can share that with others.

Omega-3's are well known for the benefits they bring to your body. Everything from helping joints feel better to helping reduce belly fat. They help improve brain function and digestion. If there was one thing you could add to your nutrition that would give you the biggest effect, it would be Omega-3's. Not just any omega-3 though. You need to make sure they are pure and are able to be absorbed into your system easily. OmegaPlex from Advocare is exactly that. If you took an OmegaPlex into a cup of water, it would be disolved in a short while showing how it can be absorbed into your system easily. Go to to check it out.

Feel free to post questions here and make it a great day!


Monday, August 10, 2009

Been a long time.. I know... I am back...

So it has been awhile since I have sent out a blog here... but a lot of things have been happening.

First of all I have been writing on another blog while I follow and critique Bryan Kavanagh's Athlete Physique program. You can read that blog here at robcrenshaw.wordpress. As a personal trainer, I am constantly looking for new things that I can incorporate into pr grams for my clients. But I won't give something to my clients that I haven't tried myself or that I know for sure works. Besides, it is kinda nice that I don't have to create my own program for the next few weeks.

Second, I have decided to move to California. 3 weeks from today, I will be loading up the car, getting in pointing it west and going. I am excited to be next to my son during his last few years in high school into his college years.

Third, because I will be moving, I wanted to make sure that I did one last thing to help out who I could before I left. Because of this, I am offering a few thing:

A - If you want a program designed specifically for you, drop me an email at with Fitness Program in the subject line.

B - I have also decided to build my organization with AdvoCare and I am looking for people who fall into the following 4 categories.

1) Those who want to purchase great products that will help them control their weight, increase their energy and mental focus, and/or increase their performance in the gym or on the field/court. Visit my AdvoCare page at to shop for products you would like. If you want a recommendation about products that would be best for you, email me at

2) Those who would like to purchase these products at a discount by becoming a member. Go to and click on "Become a Distributor" to get 20% discount on your products.

3) Those who would like a discount as well as share the products with their friends and family and make some extra money while doing so. Go to and click on "Become a Distributor" to get 20% discount on your products. If you want to know how you could get up to a 40% discount please email me at with "Advocare question" in the subject line.

4) Someone who wants to develop an organization where you help people grow personally, financially, and spiritually by improving yours and their health. If you are driven to help as many people as you can, email me with "Advocare Advisor Request" in the subject line.

Please act NOW!

AS always, if you have any questions about anything fitness related, feel free to post them here or email me.

Make it a great day!

Rob Crenshaw

Monday, July 20, 2009

A new program for me...

I am always looking for new ways to improve my fitness level as well as new ideas to apply to my clients. This past week, I was down in Las Vegas for the NSCA National Conference. I am a certified personal trainer through the NSCA (National Strength and Conditioning Association) and was looking forward to everything I was going to learn as well as the contacts I would make.
First of all, I met some amazing people. Second, I learned some really cool stuff. And finally, I discovered a new program. The people I met consisted of the Strength and Conditioning coaches for some major pro teams the NBA and other sports as well as those coaches from the larger universities. I also met some former trainer of the year personal trainers as well as trainers from across the world.
I think the coolest thing I learned was more tips from the inventor of the E3 grip. I had learned some things back in February, but the things I learned this past week were amazing. Stephen helped increase my horizontal jump by 18"!!!
Finally, one of the trainers I met is a guy by the name of Bryan Kavanagh from Dublin, Ireland. He shared with me his Athlete Physique program ideas and I was intrigued. So much that I decided to do the program to see what results I could gain from it. IF you want to follow my progress and my critiques of the program, go to and read on. (Yes another blog... ).

I hope everything is well with you and your workouts are going well! If you haven't been active for a while (Like I haven't posted a post for awhile) then take today to start. (That's T O D A Y... not!)

Make it a great day!

The Fitness Buff

Again... follow my progress at

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Need/Want more energy or mental focus?

So you need a pick-me-up at certain times during the day? Do you want more focus and energy that will help you be more productive? Below are 4 options for you that will give you that nice smooth energy. All are sugar free!!!

The first is Spark. This gives you awesome focused energy. It is the kind of energy you notice after getting tons of stuff done and later look back and go, “Wow! How did I get so much done?” Check it out here… SPARK!

The second is similar Slam. Slam is similar to Spark in that it gives you a quick pick-me-up as well. The difference is that Slam comes in a 2 oz shot that delivers the energy quicker without the jitters. Check it out here… SLAM!

The third is the newest addition to the Advocare family and only in its first month it is showing great results. Slim not only gives you that focused energy, it increases your metabolism and controls your appetite. People have reported an increase in fat loss and toning just after using Slim for a few days. Check it out here… SLIM!

The fourth is formulated specifically for your pre-workout. Muscle Fuel sends your body the right nutrients it needs to maximize your workout. Feel stronger longer and run a bit faster for longer with Muscle Fuel. Check it out here… MUSCLE FUEL!

There are many ways to help you increase your energy through Advocare products. You can also develop muscle mass (women: read that as “firm up” not “get big”) and lose body fat with many of the products as well. In less than a month, I added 7 lbs of lean muscle mass while dropping my body fat percent by 3%. Check out any of the products by visiting

Make it a great day!

Rob Crenshaw
The Fitness Buff

Thursday, March 5, 2009

New Slim from Advocare!

Good Morning!

I am so excited to be writing to you all this morning to inform you of Advocare's newest product in their line...Slim.

Slim is packaged in a similar fashion to Slam ( 2 oz. of pure energy with thermogenic properties) with a focus on energy AND weight loss. Powerful herbs like Garcinia Cambogia for appetite control and energy, neuroactives for heightened focus, and a green coffee extract, Svetol. This product can take your clients and yourselves to the next level in your personal training businesses and personal athletic endeavors as so many of you are accomplished marathoners, Iron Man competitors, trainers, distance cyclists, elite swimmers, body builders and the list goes on and on. I still get excited when I think of all the many gifted and capable individuals we get to work with and share Advocare with...YOU!

Well, if you can't already feel my enthusiasm, go to the website and check out the Slimpact National Campaign launched Feb 22, 2009, by Advocare. This is a regional competition with 3 place winners. Check the web for complete details. Be thinking, who do I know who could benefit from this? On a deeper level, who could benefit by extending and enhancing their personal health and disease prevention by loosing some weight? In my opinion weight loss for "image" isn't a big enough reason for most people who lack the motivation to try or sustain their efforts. It has to be about being healthy for our loved ones, extending and increasing the quality of life, getting our cholesterol down, diabetes prevention, etc. We will change the health of America one person at a time.

That was written by my good friend, Nicole McBride from California. I totally agree with her. If you would like more information, visit my Advocare page here to learn more and order yourself some Slim. I have already seen good results with my clients.

Make it a great day!

The Fitness Buff
Rob Crenshaw

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Workout for Wednesday, 2/17/09

Ok, today's workout was a last second deal that I had to rush as I didn't get motivated to do it until the last second. It was last second because when I decided to do it, I had just enough time to get to the gym to have an hour workout in before my first client session started. Time always seems to go faster the closer it gets to a deadline and that is what happened today.

Today's focus was on the the chest. I was going to try a new exercise today, but I want to make sure I have enough time to play around with it before I do it.... more on that when I do it. Great chest exercise it looks like. Can't wait!

First complex:

3 rounds of:

DB bench press - 8 reps
Alternating single DB bench press - 8 reps each. (use 1/2 weight of bench press)
DB sumo-deadlift-highpulls - 10 reps
V-sit-up on bench - 20 reps

Second complex:

3 rounds of:

Incline DB press - 8 reps
Plank rows - 8 reps each arm
DB swing - 10 reps
Hanging leg side raise - 8 each side

Third complex:

3 rounds of:

Cable fly's - 8 reps
Cable punch - 12 reps each hand
Single arm reverse grip Tri-cep extension - 8 reps
Cable wood chops - 12 reps each side

Bonus Exercises

3 rounds of:

Weighted dips - 10 reps
Overhead DB Tricep Extension - 10 reps
Decline DB pull-over - 10 reps

Make sure you stretch after this workout. Focus on your chest and shoulders. This workout will strengthen the muscles that are typically tight and shortened already from sitting at a computer or driving.

Enjoy and have fun!

Make it a great day!

Rob Crenshaw
The Fitness Buff

Workout for Monday, 2/16/09

Ok, once again I am a day behind posting my workout. My apologies.

Anyway, I hope all is well with you and your workouts are going well. I would like to hear from you to see what you are doing with these workouts. Do you use them exactly how I do them, tweak them a little bit, or make your own? What results are you seeing by following them. I have seen great results in strength, definition, and endurance. And I find that if I don't go 6 days a week like I used to, I still get better results than I did. So please post your results, what you like, what you don't like, or your take on the workouts. Just a quick 10-30 post is all you need. Thanks!

So here goes the workout...

Today was focused on the back..

First complex:

3 rounds of:

Pull-ups - 8 reps
Single Arm overhead Squats - 5 reps each side.
Facepulls - 10 reps
wood chops - 15 reps

Second complex:

3 rounds of:

Horizontal rows - 12 reps
Single leg squats - 10 each leg
Med ball diamond push-ups - 15 reps
Rubber band shoulder to shoulder - 25 reps on each side

Third complex:

3 rounds of:

Glute/Hamstring extension with DB row - 8 reps
Squat jumps - 15 reps
Spiderman - 10 reps each foot
V-sit with med ball twist - 15 each side

Bonus exercises
Db curl - 3 sets of 8 reps

Then I tried a new exercise for me.

Negative reverse grip bar curls - I did 4 sets of 2 because they are killers.

Set up a bar with more weight than you can curl up... or just be able to get maybe one rep. Grab it with a reverse grip, or with palms down. If you know how to clean the bar, clean it up to your shoulders. If not, get someone to help lift it up to the top. Then slowly lower the bar as slow as you can. Repeat.

The glute/ham extension with DB rows are also a new exercise to me. Set up in a glute/ham extension bench (or back extension bench) make sure your hips are above the pads. When you do the extension, you will only bend at the hips keeping your torso tight with a slight arch in the low back. This is going to activate the glutes and hamstrings. At the top, you will then pull the DB's up to your armpits. Lower down until your arms are straight and the DB's are almost touching the floor.

Make it a great day!

I am now going to write today's workout... 2 posts in one day again.

Rob Crenshaw
The Fitness Buff

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Workout for Saturday, 2/14/09

Happy Valentine's Day! (A day late... )

This workout will get your heart a'pumpin! It sure got mine going. And the best part, it is a workout that you can always improve one. Why? Because you will be able to try and do it faster, or with more weight as you try it. It involves the whole body with many different full body exercises. This will get your metabolism revving helping your body burn off any unwanted fat.

To be honest, the original workout that I created for Saturday was even more intense, but after doing what I did, I was done. They would have been scraping me off the floor with a snow shovel if I attempted the last complex I originally had scheduled. Apparently my eyes were too big for my plate. Either way, this workout will give you a great workout without any need to jump on the treadmill or bike!

So here is the workout... I am thinking of calling this one the "Heart Breaker." Not just because it is on V-day, but it is like the guy that breaks horses. Doesn't mean they are actually broken, but just makes them easier to work with and more efficient in getting the work done. That is what this workout will do for your heart... make it easier and more efficient to get your work done!

First complex:

3 rounds of:

Bar Thrusters - 12 reps
DB Swing - 12 reps
Pull-ups - 8 reps
Push-ups - 15 reps

Second Complex:

3 rounds of:

Sumo-Dead-Lift-High-Pulls - 12 reps
DB Chest press on fit ball - 12 reps
Reverse DB Lunges - 8 each leg
Hanging leg raise- 10 reps

Third Complex:

3 rounds of:

DB Curls - 8 reps
Dips - 12 reps
Face Pulls - 12 reps

Do each complex with as little rest as needed. Rest long enough between complexes to set up new complex.

(What I left out was the circuit of 20 squats, 20 split squats each leg, 20 jump squats, 20 split squat jumps each leg, 6 burpees gone through twice with 2:00 min rest in between rounds)

Make it a great day!!!

Rob Crenshaw
The Fitness Buff

Friday, February 13, 2009

Workout for Tuesday, 2/10/09 - out of order & Catching snow flakes on the tongue.

So as I mentioned yesterday, I apparently forgot to post Tuesday's workout. Sorry about that!

Have you ever tried to catch a snowflake on your tongue? Or have you seen those contests where the person goes in a telephone sized wind tunnel and they blow money all around him and he tries to grab as much money as possible? The key to both is to focus on one snowflake or one dollar bill until you catch it. When you look at all the flakes or all the money at once or look from one to the next to the next, you lose focus on your goal and you end up getting hit in the eye. In fact if you focus too much on all the flakes falling down, soon enough you will be standing knee deep in the stuff. (Especially here in Wisconsin!)

So what does this have to do with my workout? Nothing! But it has everything to do with why I didn't post Tuesday's workout and why Wednesday's was a day late as well. You see, when successful people decide to launch multiple projects, they do them one at a time so they can focus on each one until it is ready to run on its own and they can focus on another project. I, however, decided to launch 2 new projects all while trying to keep two others going that aren't fulling going themselves, and still building a third one. I started looking at the blizzard in front of me instead of that one snowflake I wanted. So what did I do? I took out the shovel, cleared a little area to give me good footing and then focused on one flake. Once I did that, that project was done quickly and I launched my online training program just a couple of days ago with a system in place that will allow it to run without me thinking too much about it. This blog was one of those things I had to shovel to the side. But now I am back with a much better approach as well so I can keep things going like they should!

Ok, so on to the workout...

Workout for Tuesday, 2/10/09

Focus today is on the back and Bi-ceps.

First complex:

Three rounds of:

Pull-ups - 8 reps
DB Swing - 15 reps
Single leg deadlift (no weight, take opp hand down to toe) - 8 reps each
Cable wood chops - 10 reps each side

Second complex:

Three rounds of:

DB Row - 8 each side
Decline Spiderman Push-ups - 5 each side
Squat Jumps - 15 reps
"V" Sit-up on bench - 20 reps

Third complex:

Three rounds of:

Face Pulls - 10 each
Fit ball back extensions - 15 reps
Mt. Climbers - 10 reps each side
Ab bar roll out - 10 reps

Finishing exercises:
Incline DB curls - 3 sets of 8 reps

3 rounds of:
Balance board (or BOSU ball) hammer curls - 12 reps each arm
Rubber band curls - 50 reps

(My biceps just started twitching from the thought of that last one!)

Enjoy! Comment with questions you may have!

Make it a great day!

Rob Crenshaw
The Fitness Buff

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Workout for Thursday, 2/12/09

Ok,now that I posted yesterday's workout, I realized that I didn't post Tuesday's workout either. I will get to that next... maybe not tonight because I have a few more things on my list before reading time and then bed.

Today's workout is all about the shoulders. Only one exercise focuses on something other than the shoulders and another focus on the abs but brings in shoulder stability. Still used complexes to keep rest to a minimum, but also incorporated a rest period in one of the complexes... you will see why.

It is good to focus on the shoulder joint and strengthen all angles because there are so many different muscles involved in the stabilization of the shoulder joint.

So here is the workout I did today...

First complex:

3 rounds, do not put bar down between exercises, but rest 1 min between rounds.

Hang Cleans - 8 reps
Push-press - 8 reps
Shoulder press - 8 reps

Second complex:

Three rounds of:

Upright Rows - 12 reps
Face Pulls - 10 reps
Hanging leg raise - 10 reps

Third complex:

DB Shoulder Matrix - 8 reps of front delt raise, side raise, bent over rear delt raise, upright rows, and finish with 10 reps alternating shoulder press (using same DB's without putting them down)
Cable Wood Chops - 15 reps both sides

Finishing exercise:
Shrugs - 3 sets of 8 reps.
If you don't want big traps, then skip this exercise.

Your shoulders will feel this one when you are done. But you will feel like you are standing more upright as you will focus on keeping your shoulders pulled back.

Enjoy and hope that you don't have to give anyone a high five when you are done.

Make it a great day!

Rob Crenshaw
The Fitness Buff

Workout for Wednesday, 2/11/09

How is everyone doing today? I am writing this a day late, I have been doing so many different things that sometimes I put some other things off for a day. Its normal, I know so today there will be two posts, yesterday's workout and then the following today will be today's workout. Both were great workouts. As always feel free to comment about your experience with the workouts, or any questions.

During these workouts I try to rest as little as needed. Hopefully as I go along, I will be able to rest less and less, cutting my workout time down even more and increasing my metabolic boost.

So here is my workout for yesterday, Wednesday...

This workout is focused on the chest and tri-ceps.

First complex:

3 rounds of:
DB bench press - 10 reps
Bulgarian Split squats - 12 each leg
Dragonflies - 4 reps (will explain this at the end)

Second complex:

3 rounds of:
Incline plate loaded machine press - 8 reps
Squat rows - 15 reps (Use a weight you could do 20-25 reps)
DB Swings - 15 reps
Hanging leg raise - 10 reps (do knee raises if you can't do straight legs)

Third complex:

3 rounds of:
Machine Flies - 12 reps
Machine rear delt - 12 reps
Prisioner style good mornings - 12 reps (explained later)
Rubber band shoulder-to-shoulder - 25 reps each side

Fourth complex: (yup.. a bonus complex today)

3 rounds of:
Weighted dips - 12 reps (can use body weight or dip assist)
Planks - 30 seconds
Face pulls - 12 reps (use a weight you can do 18-20 reps)

Finisher exercises:

3 rounds of:
Decline skull crushers - 8 reps
burnout narrow decline bench press - 15 reps (using same bar as skull crushers)
rest 30 seconds.
(finsher exercises aren't for caloric burn or to increase metabolism. Mostly for building smaller muscles for looks.)

As I said before I will explain a few of the exercises. I did Dragonflies (and as you saw only 4 of them) and these are hard exercises to do. DO NOT DO THESE unless you have been shown proper form and you have the core strength to do them. You could seriously hurt yourself if you attempt them without proper instruction in person. As a substitute, you can do leg raises while lying on a bench and increase the number to 10+.

Prisoner style refers to a stance where you stand with your hands clasped behind your head and elbows pulled back like you are "up against a wall" as a prisoner. This brings in the upper back as you have to squeeze your shoulder blades together to keep your elbows back.

Good mornings are where you stand with straight and stiff legs and keep your torso straight (with a slight arched... not rounded... back). Keeping your legs straight and your torso stiff, bend at the hips (not the waste) keeping your head up so you can see the wall in front of you until you feel that you need to round your back to go any further. Stop and return to upright position. You should feel a stretch in your hamstrings during this exercise.

Have fun with this one. It took me just over an hour to complete it. If you are just going for weigh loss, just do the complexes and skip the finishing exerises. Drink plenty of water an get your rest!

Make it a great day!

Rob Crenshaw,
The Fitness Buff

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Workout for Saturday, 2/7/09

Hello everyone!

So last Friday on Twitter, one of my Tweeps (Twitter peeps, or friends), DFitnessguy (who has a lot of great information, if you are on Twitter, I highly recommend following him) posted a site with a circuit workout used by MMA (mixed martial arts) fighters and people who want to train like an MMA fighter. I checked it out and decided that I would try it on Saturday. (It is listed below) I figured I am in good shape and it would be a great test for myself. So I was all set, I would get up Saturday do this circuit.
Saturday morning, I got up, started getting ready for the gym making sure I had everything, my towel, water, workout drink, mp3 player... and my journal. Before I left, I decided to write up my workout. (Which is something I usually do right before I start working out.) I grabbed the sheet I printed out to copy the circuit down and that's when I saw it. Those little words.... "After your workout, do the following..."

AFTER my workout! What? This circuit looked good enough for a workout in itself. But, because it said after my workout I decided to throw in a shoulder workout. The circuit was mostly legs, so I figured this wouldn't be as bad then. After I was done... I was D O N E - done! My legs were still shaking when I got home. And I even cut the last part of the circuit short.

So here is my workout, followed by the circuit as prescribed and what I ended up doing.

Triplex one:
Do 3 rounds of:
Seated DB shoulder press - 8 reps
Standing barbell curl - 15 reps
Plank - 30 secs

Triplex two:
Do 3 rounds of:
Standing Alternating DB Shoulder Press - 8 each arm
Superman - 12 reps
Hanging Leg side-to-side raises - 10 each side

Shoulder Matrix:
3 rounds of:
Front delt raise - 8 reps
Side Delt Raise - 8 reps
Bent over Rear delt raise - 8 reps
Upright rows (high pulls) - 8 reps
Alt shoulder press burnouts - 10+ reps each arm

Finish with Shrugs - 3 sets of 10

As prescribed:
Do 2 rounds with a 2 minute rest in between of:

20 air squats
20 split squats
20 squat jumps
20 split squat jumps
6 burpees
Then go right to the tread mill and putting incline at 15%, and speed between 6.0 - 8.0, sprint for 20 seconds, jump off to side rails for 10 seconds. Repeat 8 times (total time equals 4:00)

I did the first two rounds with the squats and jumps. My legs felt very full. I had done something very similar to the treadmill part so I didn't think it would be that big of deal. Except I had done it at 10%, not 15% and faster that 8.0, but with fresh legs.

My first 20 sec.. was tough but doable. Second was tougher. Third I almost passed out. So started resting 15 seconds and running only 15 seconds. That got me 3 more rounds and I ended it a minute early. AS I stepped off the treadmill, my leg almost gave out and I almost fell. Funniest home videos here I come... almost.

So enjoy this one... it is a fun one... a tough one... and a great test of just how fit you are at this moment.

Make it a great day!

Rob Crenshaw,
The Fitness Buff.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Workout for Friday, Feb 6th, 2009

Happy Waitangi Day New Zealanders!

Ok, getting right to the point as I need to meet a friend in a few minutes. Here is my workout for today. I focused on the chest and tri-ceps today. And are they feeling it now. You wouldn't think that tired chest and tri's would hinder typing, but it does. Ok, here goes...

First quadplex:
Three rounds of:
DB Flat Bench - 8 reps
Facepulls - 10 reps
Body weight Bulgarian Split Squats - 10 reps each leg (one foot on bench)
Hanging leg raise - 10 reps

Second quadplex:
Three rounds of:
DB Incline Bench press - 8 reps
Incline Rear Delt Raise - 10 reps (Lay with chest on bench)
Fitball Bridges (or hip raises) - 12 reps
Fitball Roll out - 12 reps

Third quadplex:
Three rounds of:
Cable Fly - 8 reps
Bench dips - 15 reps
Side plank hip raises - 12 reps each side
Spiderman - 10 reps each side

Finishing exercises:
3 rounds of:
Overhead Rope Tricep extensions - 12, 12, 8 reps
Diamond pushup on med ball - 12, 12, 8 reps

Again, the finishing exercises are done more for aesthetics and not fat loss. The quadplex's burn most of the calories and rev up the metabolism for the next couple of days.

Enjoy the workout and if you have any questions about it or any of the exercises, feel free to post a comment. If you have a question, I am sure others have the same or similar one.

Make it a great day!

Rob Crenshaw
The Fitness Buff

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Workout for Wednesday, 2/4/09

OK, today's was another killer. In fact, at the end I put down the weights and said to myself, "I'm dead!" Then my mp3 player started playing a song from the 300 movie soundtrack entitled "The King Dies." Hows' that for timing?

Today's workout was focused on the back and bi-ceps, but it was another high calorie burning session. Drinking my protein smoothie right now so I can recover faster and be ready for tonight's training sessions.

Here's the workout...

First circuit:
3 Rounds of:
Reverse Grip Weighted Pull ups - 5,4,3 reps
Wide Grip Weighted Pull ups - 5,4,3 reps
Hammer Grip Weighted Pull ups - 3,3,2 reps
Single Leg Cable Deadlift/Row with opp arm - 10 reps each side
DB Swing - 15 reps
V-sit with med ball twist - 20 reps

Second Quadplex:
3 rounds of:
Machine Seated Rows - 10 reps
Machine Rear Delt - 8 reps
Mt. Climbers - 10 reps
Bar Roll outs - 8 reps

Third Quadplex:
3 rounds of:
DB Row - 8 reps each arm
Push up with feet on fit ball - 20 reps
Fit ball back extension - 10 reps
Tree Chops - 10 reps each side

Finished with Incline DB curls (for aesthetics mainly to build outer head of bi-cep.)

I took 5 second rest in between the 3 weighted pull up variations. Then after that, I took only enough rest as needed.

The bar roll out is like using the ab wheel, but because I didn't have one, I put two 10's on a straight curl bar. Not only does this engage the core and the abs, it brought in the lats again as well. I would start on my knees with my hands on the bar just wider than shoulder width. Keeping my hips inline with my shoulders and knees (meaning there was a straight line from my knee, through my hips to my shoulder), I pushed the bar out as far as I could. I was able to go practically horizontal to the floor. Then doing a partial crunch to engage the abs even more, I would then pull the bar back keeping my hips in line with my shoulders and knees again.

I hope you enjoy this workout. If you need to scale it back you can by using a chin assist machine for the pull-ups. You could also use a fit ball for the roll outs as well.

Make it a great day!

Rob Crenshaw
The Fitness Buff

Monday, February 2, 2009

Workout for Monday, 2/2/09

Today's workout was another leg killer, but again, getting the whole body involved. In fact, right after I am done writing this, I am hitting the foam roll to loosen up my calves because I am walking like I am wearing ski boots.

Today's workout took less than 1 hr so nothing was waisted.

First Quadplex:
3 rounds of:
DB Rev. Lunges - 8 each leg
Jump Squats - 15 reps
Spiderman - 10 reps each side
Superman - 10 reps

Second Quadplex:
3 rounds of:
DB Single Leg Squats (my new favorite exercise) - 8 reps each leg
Skiers - 10 each side (Jumping back and forth like you are skiing)
Push-ups with feet on fit ball - 15 reps
Fit ball pikes - 15 reps

Third quadplex:
3 rounds of:
Dead lift - 8 reps
Single leg step ups (sideways) - 10 reps each leg
Bench V-sits - 15 reps
Squat rows - 10 reps

Finishing Exercises:
3 rounds of:
Seated Calf Raise - 12 reps
Single leg Standing Calf raise with DB in hand - 10 reps
Jump Rope - 50 jumps

The last group I called finishing exercises because it was done with small muscles and not with very heavy weights. The calves were used a lot already during the 3 quadplexes so this was just "finishing" them off. My primary reason for this is to help with jumping and running in soccer.

If you do this workout, rest as little as possible during each quadplex and then rest up to 2 mins between each quadplex. Have fun!

Make it a great day!

Rob Crenshaw,
The Fitness Buff

Workout for Sunday, Feb 1st, 2009

Getting to this a day late, but I still wanted to get it up.

My workout on Sunday was a quick, less than 30 min workout and also allowed me to rev my metabolism way high because I used every muscle group. I was also breathing quite heavy by the time I was done.

First tri-plex:

3 rounds of:
Pull-ups - 8 reps
Barbell Thrusters - 8 reps
Decline Spiderman Pushups - 8 reps

Second Tri-plex:

3 rounds of:
Sumo-deadlift-highpulls - 8 reps
Horizontal BW rows with towel - 8 reps
Med ball pushup - 5 on each side, alternating

Finished with 3 rounds of:
Rope cable tree chops
Fit ball rollouts

I used the towel for the rows to help increase grip strength. When doing his, make sure you have a strong towel, I found that I couldn't explode up like I wanted to because I kept hearing rips.

The rope cable tree chop is different than a cable wood chop. The wood chop is like you are chopping a log that is laying down on the ground. For the rope tree chop, I have one hand on each side of the rope and then the path ends up looking like I am chopping a tree, finishing more horizontally than vertically.

To scale down these exercises, you can use a chin-assist machine for the pull-ups. Do regular push-ups or have your legs on a fitball. And do regular grip horizontal body weight rows, bringing the feet closer if needed.

Make it a great day!

Rob Crenshaw
The Fitness Buff

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Quick workout today, Thursday, 1/29/09

Today's workout was a quick one.

Started with a slow run on the treadmill increasing the speed every minute up to the 5 min mark. Then I upped the speed to a sprint and sprinted for 20 seconds with a 10 second break. Did that interval style for 5 mins, then finished with a 5 minute run sprinting the last 30 seconds.

Then I jumped rope for 10 minutes on and off.

Total time = 25 mins.

Have fun!

Make it a great day!


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Workout for Wednesday, 1/28/09

Ok, legs and glutes are a bit sore from yesterday. I really got in deep for sure!!

Today's workout focused on the shoulders.

3 rounds of:
Standing DB shoulder press - 8 reps
Squat w/ band rows - 15 reps
DB Swings - 15 reps (I wish I had kettle bells)
Planks - 1 minute

(Very little rest between exercises or rounds)

3 rounds of:
Smith machine military press - 8 reps
Spiderman - 10 reps each leg
Superman - 10 reps
Side plank raises - 10 reps each side

(This quad-plex sure taxed the stability of the shoulder, hitting different angles)

3 rounds of:
Cable Upright Rows - 10 reps
Cable wood chops - 10 reps each side
Band curls - 10 narrow + 15 wide

3 rounds of:
Rear delt raise - 8 reps
Lateral delt raise - 8 reps
Front delt raise - 8 reps
Decline DB pull-overs - 15 reps

Finished with 3 sets of 8 shrugs.

This workout focused on the shoulders but brought in other muscle groups to increase the metabolic burn. Not only did it focus on strengthening the muscles around the shoulder, it worked the stability of the shoulder as well. This is not a beginner workout by any means, but can be scaled down.

Make it a great day!


When will Wisconsin get on the fitness band wagon?

I hope that this finds you doing well and enjoying your workouts.

Normally, when writing a blog or an article, you tend to gear what you have to say towards the people who will read it. I am going to go against this "rule" today to vent a bit and hopefully inspire.

If you are reading this, than more than likely, you are working out on a regular basis and hopefully seeing great results. So this entry is not at all directed towards you. But if it makes you think of someone, then please, forward it on to them.

I moved to Wisconsin just over 7 years ago and fell in love with the Milwaukee area. It was here that my unknown passion rose to the surface bubbling up with such power that I completely changed my career to follow it. I haven't looked back yet and I get to honestly say "I am doing what I love and loving what I do!!!" (That's right, TRIPLE exclamation point!)

It has been a long standing statement about the fitness and health level of the general population of Wisconsin being on the "thicker" side of the spectrum. The land of beer and cheese, where we hibernate with beer in the winter and celebrate the outdoors with festivals (and beer) in the summer. Fish Fry's, Kringle, Anything-on-a-stick (deep fried of course), and the ever present beer has helped Wisconsin get to the thicker side of things. Oh, and don't forget the tailgating!

Most people use these as excuses as to why they don't workout or aren't is shape. My question is this: Why not use these as motivators to workout?

Like I said before, I fell in love with this area. I live where I can be in a big city in 20 mins or out in the woods in 15. I can get to Chicago in less than 2 hours, or I can be out on a remote lake in the same amount of time. The festivals are top of the nation, you can't go a weekend without being able to find one. The people are super nice. And I am one of the few that love the snow and cold as well as the warm-hot summers. And I do enjoy a great tasting beer now and then.

So I am not asking anyone to change anything about what makes Wisconsin, Wisconsin.

If you truly want a healthy lifestyle and be as fit and healthy as you possibly can, then a lot of these things will have to be reduced dramatically if not removed all together. (My apologies to the Fried Snickers on a stick people, you may be out of business soon!) But even if you want to be able to enjoy all that the Wisconsin lifestyle has to offer, why wouldn't you still want to be as healthy as possible!

This is why I don't understand why Wisconsin hasn't jumped on the fitness band wagon. If I wanted to be able to spend more money on anything I wanted, but didn't want to reduce my savings and an opportunity came along that would allow me more cash flow without much time involved... YOU BET I WOULD JUMP ON THAT!

I want to be careful when I state this next point. So read carefully!

First I will repeat what I said before... If you truly want a healthy lifestyle and be as fit and healthy as you possibly can, then a lot of these things will have to be reduced dramatically if not removed all together. But if you want to give your body a fighting chance from developing things like diabetes, plaque build up in the arteries, heart attacks, cancer... etc... etc... Then you need to get on a workout program. This (and here is the important part) does not mean that once you start working out, you can then eat more of the fried food or drink more beer.

Here is what you will find happening when you start to workout:
-Your clothes will fit better
-You will have more energy
-You will sleep better
-Your cravings will fade away
-Your focus will improve
-You will want to do more and you will be able to do more
-This might cause you to get more done at work creating an opportunity for a raise
-Your personal life will improve
-Your sex drive will improve
-You will have more moments of happy thoughts than of negative ones
-You will feel better about yourself, inside and out!
-There are numerous other benefits as well.


So Wisconsin, when will you stop using our lifestyle as a crutch for not working out and start creating your healthy lifestyle that you want?

I have a client who gave up bowling so she could have personal training. Her goals were set and one helped her get closer to her goals, and one didn't. She made the right choice.

Make it a great day!

Rob Crenshaw,
The Fitness Buff

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Workout for Tuesday, 1/27/09

So I decided to start posting my workouts. I have seen great results from them myself. Enjoy!

3 rounds of:
Smith Machine Split Squats - 8 reps
Jump Squats - 15 reps
Mountain Climbers - 10 reps each foot
Fitball Rollouts - 10 reps

3 rounds of:
DB single leg squats - 8 reps each leg
Jump Split Squats - 10 reps each leg
Spiderman Push-ups - 8 reps each side
Hanging leg raise - 10 reps (straight legs)

3 rounds of:
Deadlift - 8 reps
DB Step up on bench - 8 each side
Cable Stability pushout - 12 each side
DB curls on balance board - 8 reps together

3 rounds of:
Seated calf raises - 15 reps
Standing calf raises - 15 reps

This was a great workout and my legs were full by the end, great sweat as well. This workout is for boosting my metabolism, getting my power and endurance ready for soccer, and for building muscle (for looks.)

Let me know if you have any questions.

Make it a great day!

The Fitness Buff!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Smack - Smack - POW!

So the new year is in full swing by now and I decided to do some new things. Not resolutions by any means, just a new way to look at the way I do things already, with a few new things added in. Besides, making "new year resolutions" now would be like setting the meeting's agenda 5 mins into the meeting. Forgive me for going off on a tangent here, but I resolved 3 years ago not to make any more new years resolutions. So far this is the only one I have kept! Ever!
Ok, back to what I was rambling about... Now that I don't have resolutions once a year, I typically will either take time to review my life and decide where I am or I will be forced to look at my life and make some changes. This is one of "those" times. The time where life smacks you in the face, makes sure you are looking it in the eye, and then smacks you in the face again. But before you can look it back in the eye, it socks you in the gut until you cry "Uncle!"
Ok Life... I get it, I'm awake now and looking. What do you want me to see?

Today's lesson: Stop focusing on the obstacle, it isn't even on the right path anyway!

I have a vision, a dream of what I want to do. I know what it is and I feel I am heading right for it. I made a recent change that I thought would keep me going in that direction, an it is doing just that... EXCEPT... (I love that word...) Except that there was this obstacle that appeared in my periphery. Just like a horse without blinders, I headed right towards it. This obstacle was going to stop my progress, and keep me from reaching my dream. I looked for ways around it, I pleaded with it to go away, and it just got bigger. Momentum came to a screeeeeeching halt. Nothing was moving, it was like the temp dropped to absolute zero.

That's when it happened, SMACK - SMACK - POW!

And as I was falling to the ground, jaw flapping in the wind like it wasn't attached, the natural twist to my body from the impact turning my head around, I saw it... There I lay, looking at the path I had been going down, happy as a lark, clear of any obstacles. And not only that, but just down the path a bit further is this bigger path.

Now, those that know me can attest to this... As I was growing up, I wasn't one of those people who felt or even thought that I was destined for big things. I just went through each day doing what I thought "normal" people did. You get up, go to work or school, come home, complain about it, go to bed, rinse and repeat. It wasn't until very recent... see "POW!" above... that I feel that I am destined for something big... much bigger than what I am doing. I have had people tell me that I am and that I would be doing great things. So now, I am back on the right path. I have put my blinders on and I am leading the horse, not just riding it.

What I am doing is nothing new. New to me, yes! But it is something that people... successful people have been doing for centuries. I have read about it, heard about it, seen it... but for some reason, I haven't done it. Now is my time.

When will NOW be your time? Don't wait until life socks you in the gut. What is it that you want? Decide what you want for your life, put the blinders on and focus on that path! Do you want a healthier life style? Then every thing you do is a choice and you can chose the healthier option... one choice at a time.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Why are you the best you that you can be?

One of my lines I use is "Working hard on myself so I can help others can work hard on themselves." And I tell you, when I have that in front of me, I get tons done and my motivation is off the chart. But when I start looking at the task... or more likely the tons of tasks I have in front of me, I get bogged down in the how and start find ways to get around it. I believe that my purpose in life is to help others. Call it being a healer, call it a servant to others, call it being a leader, or whatever you want, it doesn't matter if I haven't developed the best me ever. This doesn't mean that I put off helping others until I feel I am the best me ever. That would be like putting all your money in the bank and not paying a single bill until you had enough money to pay for everything for the rest of your life. Doesn't make sense does it?
So what is it that makes you the best you ever? What is your motivation for doing what you do? Is it so you can be a better parent? Is it because you can make a better life for your family? Is it because you want to be known for something? Maybe it is to get over a negative experience you had earlier in life. It isn't hard to find what that one thing is that motivates you to the Nth degree. All you need to do is realize how you feel when you are thinking about different areas of your life. When you think about your kids, does your energy skyrocket? When you think about serving others does your energy just soar and you feel like taking on the world? Maybe you think about see yourself getting a certain award and you get that second wind to keep on going. It doesn't matter what it is, it only matters that it spikes your energy levels of the charts. What if you haven't found that one thing yet? What do you do then? Simple, think of anything that raises your energy even just an ounce. The more you do that, the more thoughts that increase your energy will come to mind. Soon enough, that one thing (and you will know it when it hits you) will come into view and... BAM! Off you go!

This approach applies to all aspect of life. Especially when it comes to fitness. Do you enjoy playing with your kids, or maybe your kids are at the age where you will be expecting grand kids soon and you want to be able to play with them. Again, whatever increases your energy when you think about it is what you need to keep in mind when you are heading to the gym or thinking about grabbing another bag of chips. That increased energy will get you to the gym before the sofa, it will give you the will power to leave the bag of chips on the shelf, it will allow you to go that extra set or two.

So take a few mins and think about everything in your life. All the people you know and care about. About anything that may be coming up in the future. And when you all the sudden feel like getting up and doing something... keep that thought in the front of your brain, write it down, post it anywhere and everywhere.

After all, your life is about you, why not make it the best one ever!

Make it a great day!

The Fitness Buff
Rob Crenshaw

Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Fitness Buff on the news...

Click on this link to see me on the news the Sunday after Christmas 2008.

Hope you are having a great day!

The Fitness Buff

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Do as I DO... You will anyway.

Be cautious, little eyes are watching. Especially if you have children around. I love hearing from my clients when they tell me about their kids "working out" with random objects. "Look mom, I'm exercising!" as little Sally is swinging her playground ball back and forth. This gives me hope for the future of our kids. You can use this for motivation to get moving.

My fellow trainer, Holly Rigsby (, posted one morning that her son was planning out his day... School, -nap -play bingo -build Star Wars Lego's. I responded with a comment saying how awesome that was and asked if I could borrow him for a weeks worth of planning. Her reply was "Well he sees me do it every morning. Plus he has memorized my daily and weekly tasks that are posted on the wall. He is one bright kid!" This kid is destined for a great life. Not only does he have two great parents who work hard at what they do and spend quality time with their sun, he sees what they do and learns why they do it. These are awesome habits to have, and at such a young age too.

I have another client who unfortunately experienced a heart attack last year. The paramedics had to bring him back 3 times on the short ride to the hospital. Because of his working out, the damage to his heart was very minimal, he had a quick recovery and he is back to his normal routines. He had been trying to get his family to get on board with working out and they just wouldn't do it. After hearing that his working out helped save his life and get him back to normal quicker, he was able to get his two kids into working out and his wife has now joined the gym as well. His kids have seen him working out but didn't know the benefit of it until his heart attack. These kids have made a huge change in their lifestyle and will end up being very healthy people when they grow up.

Kids will pick up the habits of their parents. That is why diabetes seems to be hereditary when it is mostly lifestyle. They eat the same foods that their parents eat unless something happens, usually some sort of sickness, to change those behaviors. If you want to make sure they pick up the good habits, then you also need to show them the "why" of those habits. When the combination of seeing their parent do something with learning why it is good to do, they will be more likely to follow your footsteps. So when your child sees you working out or going to the gym, let them know what you are getting out of it. It can be as simple as "I am working out so I can spend more time with you as a healthy person."

If you want your kids to not pick up your bad habits... that is very simple... STOP doing them!

Remember, if you look out for yourself first, making sure you are fit and healthy, then your kids will be more likely to do the same and you will have more ability to be there for them for the rest of your life!

Make it a great day!

The Fitness Buff

Friday, January 2, 2009

Workout meals...

I would like to see what everyone likes to eat/drink for their work outs. Please post a reply to this blog with the foods or drinks you use for pre-, during, and post- workouts and then also post what your primary goal for working out is, such as fat loss, muscle gain, improved general fitness etc... I think it will be interesting to see...